Research is a systematic approach for creation and advancement of knowledge and practice. Universities in Uganda generate contemporary findings to facilitate advancement of knowledge and practice in the Public Sector in relation to policy, society, marketing, business, technology and management. However, evidence continued to highlight limited progress in the public sector programming as opposed to research. Despite the research in academic institutions, no specific study has examined uptake of research evidence in the Public Sector in Uganda. This study was commissioned for examining the barriers to utilization of academic research evidence in the Public Sector in Uganda with the Ministry of Agriculture as a case study. The case study research design was used for assessment of uptake of research findings. Qualitative data was collected using key informant interviews of Key technical Officers from Ministry of Agriculture in Uganda. Thematic and content data analysis was used for analyzing the qualitative data. The study established that utilisation of research findings was constrained by awareness, access and quality of research evidence. However, the barriers constraining utilisation of academic research included, poor linkage, lack of engagement, dissemination, access, low quality of research findings. The study therefore recommends systematic addressing barriers for improvement of research uptake and practice.
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