This study was carried out to examine the effects of a Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) method on the academic success of students in the learning of linear equations and graphs, and also to determine the views of students about the use of GeoGebra in the teaching and learning of mathematics. The study consisted of two different classes of 7th grade elementary school students. One of the classes was chosen as the treatment group in which the CAI method was used, while the other class was chosen as the comparison group, in which a conventional teaching method was used. This study was carried out using a Triangulation design, a type of mixed research design. The mathematical topics were linear equations and graphs. Data were obtained from a knowledge test, from an open-ended questionnaire, and from focus-group discussions. As a result of the data analysis, it was found that the CAI method positively contributed to the success of teaching linear equations and graphs, when compared to the conventional teaching method. In addition, students stated that lessons in an environment of CAI become more enjoyable, and that their motivation and interest in the lessons increased. Students also indicated that it became easier to visualize, and give meaning to topics/concepts, and that their learning was more permanent in a CAI environment.
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