Emotions serve a function of preparing individuals’ psychological responses to various situations by affecting their decisions in every part of their lives. Cognitive emotion regulation processes lead individuals to identify their priorities and to make life plans and to act in accordance with these plans. In much of the research focusing on emotion regulation, which is of a vital importance for the individual, it is claimed that the healthy expression of emotions depends on how the babyhood, early childhood and adolescence periods are spent. Thus, the current study aims to reveal the emotion regulation strategies employed by the middle school 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade students and to explore whether they vary significantly depending on the gender variable. The current study adopted the cognitive emotion regulation strategies divided into nine main categories by Garnefski, Kraaij and Spinhoven (2001). The current study employed the field survey method aiming to explore phenomena in their natural conditions. A total of 127 students participated in the study. Two data collection tools were used in the current study. The first data collection tool is comprised of three stories left uncompleted to be completed by the students and the second data collection tool is an interview form made up of a single question. The collected data were subjected to descriptive analyses and then the emerging emotion regulation strategies are presented together with their frequencies. When the obtained data were generally evaluated, it was found that both male and female students employ passive strategies such as acceptance, rumination (focus on thought) and positive refocusing almost at every grade level.
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