The aging phenomenon, which threatens a great section of the world population and constitutes a risk group, may affect the feelings of men and women related to aging and the elderly. As the necessity and importance of discussing the problems caused by the biopsychosocial changes associated with the aging phenomenon have increased day by day, in this study the subjective well-being levels and perceptions on aging in terms of the variable of gender were determined. The current study employed the field survey method aiming to explore phenomena in their natural conditions. A total of 266 participants participated in different age groups in the study. Two data collection tools were used in the current study. The first data collection tool is an interview form consisting of a total of 4 questions designed to investigate how aging is perceived; the second data collection tool is wellbeing scale. The comments that have been subject to descriptive analysis are experienced. The results revealed that the male and female participants generally perceived the old age as a negative situation. It was observed that the situation felt annoyed by both groups in the aging process was the biological changes. The second negative situation for the participants is the psychological anxieties related to aging. As a result, although they are from different age groups and gender, the participants are considered as aging, biological, psychological and social change complexity. The media is an important element in the formation of this negative situation by making more fearful and worrying publications about physical changes related to age or aging.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2026
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