The study investigated ICT as an indispensable tool in effective guidance/counselling services for sustainable educational development in secondary schools in the 21st century in Imo State, Nigeria. Three research questions with corresponding three null hypotheses were formulated for the study. The population of the study is the 314 guidance/counsellors in the 314 public secondary schools in Imo State, Nigeria. The purposive sampling technique was adopted in order to use the population as the sample. A self-designed instrument titled “ICT as an Indispensable Tool for Effective Guidance and Counselling Scale” (ICTITGCS). Face and content validities were ensured. The Cronbach alpha statistics was used to establish the reliability coefficient of 0.84. Mean, standard deviation was used to answer the research question while z-test statistics was used to test the null hypotheses at an alpha level of 0.05. It was found out that: ICT is used to get related information on students’ problems, ICT is used for quick analysis of students problems, ICT is used to interview students in order to elicit information, ICT allows quick access to students as needed, ICT provides on the spot report of interpretation of students problem, Students that are shy can convey their problems to the counsellor through ICT. Moreso, ICT use is hindered by lack of fund, lack of power supply, lack of ICT complaint guidance/counsellors. It was recommended among others that: Guidance and counselling centres in the school should endeavour to channel efforts in the use of ICT for information retrieval, interpretation of students problems and as well as to report back to students
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.205
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