The objective of this study is to carry out a research on the internet usage purposes of primary school students. In line with this objective, the internet usage frequency and purposes of students, including the intervention of their parents were studied. In this study, a descriptive research model was used, as it was aimed at making an assessment in line with the views of students. Within this scope, a questionnaire with open ended questions was used. 143 students participated in the students, from 3rd and 4th grade, studying at two state schools in the center of Erzurum Province, who were randomly selected. The answers given by students for 5 questions were categorized based on similarity and differences, as well as calculating the percentage rates and frequency values. The findings obtained from the study suggest that the students use internet with certain intervals, and that they mostly use internet via mobile phones. It was also detected that the parents intervene in the internet usage of their children by imposing a time limit. It was detected that the students mostly use internet for “accessing information” and “making research”, but still with a high frequency of usage for playing games and watching cartoons. These results show that the educational institutions and the parents bear tremendous responsibility in order to ensure that the children use internet effectively and that they are protected against the dangers they may face during the time they spend surfing on the internet. The educational institutions should bring the students with computer skills, as well as training them on the reasons and manners of using internet, the problems they may face, internet usage rules, the manners on how to make use of the information obtained from internet.
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