This study was to assess the perception of teachers and students on adequacy of resources and facilities for the implementation of Learner Centred Pedagogy (LCP) in secondary schools in Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania. Learner centred pedagogy was introduced in Tanzania curriculum since 2009. Learner centred pedagogy emphasizes the active role of learners in the process of learning to enhance creativity and critical thinking in acquiring knowledge, skills, and competences. This study was guided by the following research questions: To what extent secondary schools in Kilimanjaro region are equipped with adequate resources and facilities to implement LCP? To what extent the government supports schools with resources and facilities for the Implementation of Learner Centred Pedagogy? What are the bottlenecks in equipping secondary schools in Kilimanjaro region with adequate resources and facilities for LCP? What can be done to equip secondary schools with adequate resources for implementation of LCP? The researcher adopted mixed research methods for data collection and analysis. Specifically the researcher used triangulation design. This study sampled 580 students, 115 teachers, 6 heads of secondary schools and one education inspector. Data collection instruments were questionnaires for students and teachers, in-depth interview guides for heads of school and educational inspector, observation guide and document analysis guides. The study found that teaching and learning resources are inadequate in schools. The government commit in supporting secondary schools is also lagging behind the required standards. Despite the fact that the government supports public secondary schools, yet private schools are far better in terms of resources and application of LCP. The government has to provide adequate resources for schools, training more teachers and change of mind set and attitude of teachers who maintain teacher centred pedagogy.
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