The aim of the research is to test Spinoza’s universal law of self-preservation for all mankind. This embodies the different levels of desire to exist, and on higher levels, the desire for knowledge, on the highest levels, the entire scope of practical knowledge according to which human beings function in daily life and how all this is expressed in a unified way. 512 examinees from different ethnic groups, ages and genders at the Zefat Academic College in Israel were tested during course of four academic years, where they learned how to apply theories using actual cases.
Research population included 383 students in Zefat Academic College (183 Jewish, 93 Moslem, 63 Druze and 27 Christian; the rest were “other” or absent). Each student was given a questionnaire with ten questions.
Results showed a strong tendency towards unity among the groups. The unity of human nature stipulated by Spinoza is based on the notion that after removing the environmental influences that shape humans from early childhood, and observing them through the basic existential lens, a higher correlation is achieved because they act according to their nature – the human one. The research results support Spinoza’s claims from 350 years ago.
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