Galang Surya Gumilang


This development study is to produce a handbook of sociodrama to improve the interpersonal communication skills of junior high school students in the City of Kediri as one of the techniques that counselors can use in providing personal-social guidance services that are theoretically and practically acceptable. This research is a development research that uses the model of Borg and Gall (1983). The development procedures carried out are as follows: stage 1 (planning), stage 2 (product development), stage 3 (product testing), stage 4 (product revision results of expert judgment results), stage 5 (test prospective product users), stage 6 (limited product trial (small group test)), and stage 7 (final product handbook of sociodrama to improving interpersonal communication skills). Based on the results of the analysis of the assessment of experts and prospective product users as well as the revisions that have been carried out according to suggestions and input on the handbook of sociodrama to improve high school interpersonal communication skills, it can be concluded that the guidance for counselors is very feasible, very clear, very useful, very easy, very precise, very interesting theoretically.


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handbook of sociodrama, interpersonal communication skills

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