After the collapse of Soviet Union, Russian government proclaimed democratization of the whole education system. Neoliberal trends in the policy prioritized skills and competences needed for market economy, putting values education aside. Meanwhile, democratic values are core principles that support strong civic society. This article focuses on Russian high-school students’ attitudes with regard to civic values such as equity and rule of law, human rights, tolerance and cultural diversity, connectedness. Mixed methods research design with explanatory sequential approach was used for the study. Sample size is 200 high-school students from the Russian Far East region. The results obtained from questionnaires and interviews were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and coding technics, respectively. Main findings show that students acknowledge civic values, but have problems to internalize them. This issue has resulted from the gap between what students are taught in school and what happens in reality. Also, students are inclined to favor individualism rather than collective good. Neoliberal practices have their failures. Though it is dominant ideology in the world, Russia has the ability to find its own unique way for building strong civic society. This study contributes to theory and practice of citizenship education in Russia. It gives quick overview of Soviet Union education traditions and current Russian educational policies. The findings help to understand of the current social tensions in Russia, and Russian young people’s attitudes towards the society and the world they are living in. It also helps us to see if Russian young people are ready to interact with other cultures and different social groups based on the principles of respect and equality.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2196
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