Dek Ngurah Laba Laksana, Maria Angelina Seso, Imelda Uma Riwu


This research aimed to investigate teachers and elementary students’ perception on the content and Flores cultural context based thematic electronic learning materials. This research began with developing the electronic learning materials by utilizing the ADDIE model which cover: 1) analyze, 2) design, 3) development, 4) implementation, and 5) evaluation. On the other hand, the data about students’ and teachers’ perception were gathered through questionnaire. The data were then analyzed descriptively to present details regarding teachers’ and students’ perception; this research revealed that teachers’ perception of the electronic learning materials was in the excellent category. Additionally, students’ have also excellent perception of the electronic learning materials.


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electronic learning materials, Floresian culture, thematic learning

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Copyright (c) 2019 Dek Ngurah Laba Laksana, Maria Angelina Seso, Imelda Uma Riwu

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