Despite the growth of leisure travel and stress coping research based analysis of leisure and tourism, stress coping have been performed rarely. The purpose of the present study is to examine how University staffs cope with stress through participation in leisure and tourism activities, and how work related stress affect their organizational commitment using data collected from a focus group interview approach and a self-developed questionnaire consisting of 25 items design to elicit information about the range of methods university staff used seeking information about leisure, tourism and how to cope with stress and the contribution leisure and tourism intervention to this process, it will further inquire about social, work environment, the frequency and type of leisure tourism activity, health conditions and organizational commitment and work stress coping mechanism. For this purpose the study 45 randomly selected academic staff from all the departments in the faculty of education, in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Nigeria was surged to establish the correlation between academic staff leisure and tourism activity and their characteristic life style of their living environment as well as their working conditions the subject were aged between 30-70yrs while their average age was 35 their job included teaching, research, supervision of students project, marking and compiling exams records etc..
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