The main aim of this study is to compare the information about meiosis and mitosis divisions of secondary school students with different methods. The mixed method was used in the research. In the mixed method, it is aimed to close the deficiencies in the solution of the research problems with both qualitative and quantitative data. Homogeneous samples were used in the study. In the 2018-2019 academic years, it was conducted with 7th grade students in a public school in Eastern Anatolia. A total of 132 students participated in the study, depending on the volunteerism principle. Matching test was used to collect quantitative data. Qualitative data were collected through a fully structured interview form. The collected data were analyzed with the help of Microsoft Excel program. Descriptive and content analyzes and techniques such as frequency and percentage values were used. According to the findings, the knowledge of meiosis and mitotic divisions was found to be good level. It was determined that most of the students had the right information about meiosis and mitosis and they knew the general characteristics of these divisions. According to these findings of the study, concordant results were obtained by using mixed method with different measuring methods. Suggestions are presented in parallel with these findings.
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