Mehmet Emın Kortak


In this study, experiences of elementary school teachers about classroom management and the meaning they ascribe to the concept of classroom management were examined through a phenomenological research study. The opinions of teachers working at the elementary school level were investigated through the dimensions of strengths and weaknesses of the teachers, problems encountered in classroom management, and the teachers’ suggestions for how to become an ideal teacher. The sample of the study consisted of a total of 48 teachers who served in elementary schools in the cities of Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batumi, Rustavi and Marneuli of Georgia in the 2018–2019 academic year. In the study, a semi-structured interview form consisting of 8 open-ended questions was used as a data collection instrument. The categories were created by the researchers comparing the statements of the participants by using the debriefing method. The results of the study were finalized after they were revised by the researchers and the participants working together. Various data were shared in the findings section indicating that the teachers had strong competence in ensuring a safe learning environment within a friendly environment with students; nevertheless, they experienced problems in terms of behavioral rules and communication. In the results section, it was discussed how the teachers’ experiences in classroom management were related to the topics of social culture and friendly atmosphere.


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classroom management, problems encountered in classroom management, social culture

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