Early childhood development and education forms a strong foundation for children as they get ready to go through formal education. Many early childhood education centres in Kenya face challenges in regard to necessities that enhance quality education. The study sought to establish the situation that could have led to lack of quality education in ECDE centres in Naivasha. The purpose of the study was to determine the adequacy of infrastructure associated with quality Early Childhood Education in Naivasha central zone, Nakuru County. The study employed the descriptive survey design. The target population of this study was all the 40 public pre-primary schools in Naivasha central zone, the 40 head teachers/managers and all the 120 ECDE teachers. A sample of (20) 50% of the centres were selected using purposive and simple random sampling methods. The research tools used to elicit data were two questionnaires administered to head teachers and ECDE teachers. Observation schedule was used to elicit information on the adequacy of infrastructure and their conditions. Before the main study, a pilot study was carried out in two ECDE centres in order to test the validity and reliability of the instruments that were to be used. The data obtained was analyzed using frequencies and percentages and presented using tables. The researcher found out that financial challenges inhibited the acquisition of materials, equipment and development of standard and adequate facilities. This was accounted for by the fact that free primary education funding does not incorporate ECDE funding. Most parents with children in the ECDE Centers felt that free primary education funds should also cater for ECDE and were therefore reluctant to pay fees. The study, therefore, recommended that the National government through Ministry of Education should allocate or develop a kitty to support early childhood education centres in developing and maintain reliable infrastructural systems.
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