Memory and learning are inseparable concepts in education. Memory influences learning, at the same time, Learning influences memory. This shows how Memory and Learning are strongly linked. Memory is a well-organized Machine. Memory is composed of systematic and well-coordinated structures. This implies that teaching and learning process, to be successful, should take into consideration memory structures and how it functions. Simply, teaching and learning must also be systematic and well-organized to allow the memory to encode and retrieve information. The studies show that memory can affect encoding and retrieval capacity. Teaching and learning are meaningfully influenced and guided by brain-based and learning theories relevant to teaching and classroom practices. Learning theories have significantly impacted teaching strategies and they are relevant to learning in the classrooms. The learner’s ability changes over time as a result of both maturation and experience. One of the most important information processing capacities a child develops is the ability to organize information. This is, in turn, influenced by the child’s ability to categorize. As is the case with other information-processing capacities, this ability changes with both maturation and experience. The level and stages of students are different. Students’ levels and stages should be considered when preparing and delivering lessons in terms of content, strategies, and teaching materials. The discussion and recommendations focused on the important learning theories found to be influential in teaching and learning English language: (1) Memory Storage and Retrieval Strengths theory; (2) Social Development of Learning Theory; (3) Communicative Language Teaching Theory; (4) Game-Based Learning Theory; (5) Family Influence Theory; (6) Zeigarnik and Interleaving Effect Theory; (7) Perceptual Discrimination Theory; (8) Studying and Testing Theory; and (9) The Theory of disuse.
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