Saziso Mukomana


Although Zimbabwe has tried devoting resources to address vast educational challenges, literature reviewed has indicated that Zimbabwe education system despite reconstruction efforts still lacks priority towards consolidation and improvement of both quality and quantity in STEM pedagogy. This research through constant comparison of gathered data analysed learner-centred STEM education access challenges, from the internet and libraries. Data collection and analysis took place simultaneously. The research found out that, sustainability of science oriented education (STEM) greatly depends on both quality and quantity educational improvement. Closely associated with the discussion of quality are debates on the appropriateness of teaching pedagogies to promote STEM individualised intellectual empowerment, for both life-skills and socio-economic transformation. STEM focused education is not a new philosophical concept in the history of African and Western philosophies of education. Contemporary Zimbabwe education system curriculum does embrace both science and arts education orientations. In the dual education orientation the key qualitative teaching and learning challenge in Zimbabwe today is educational discrimination through STEM streaming-challenging 21st education theoretical trends of inclusive education for all. Given the challenge this research concluded that, STEM sustainability greatly relies on how STEM is democratised and taught in the classroom. The major recommendation is individualised teaching approaches of STEM subjects.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2363


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