Bujane Topalli


The media are playing an important role in children’s daily lives, whether measured in terms of family income, use of time and space, or importance within the conduct of social relations. Curiously, there is a notable discrepancy between the high levels of public concern over children and young people’s use of new media and the minimum of empirical research conducted thus far. Although, children are often left out of ‘population’ surveys, in Europe (Kelly, 1998). Also in Albania, the use of new media from children and young has conduct to undertake some studies related to this domain. Referring to this study we aim to understand the perception of children, parents and teacher about the effects that new media create the children life. The methodology used is a qualitative one based in 20 semi structured interviews with parents and teacher and in a focus group of children age 12-15 years old. Through this study we aim to know more about the new media; the way of use, activities and their negative or positive social effects on children. The conclusions of this paper are: the social media are constantly present in children life of now days; the most use are: Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat. They use new media and social media for entertainments, home works, conversations and socialization. Also, parents and teacher try to controlling in distance the way that the children use media. They try to protect them from different derange. Most of parent and teacher think that the only one positive effect of new media in their children life is the possibility to take information that can help children with home works.


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new media, perception of social effects, children, parents, teachers


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