This study sought to unveil possible problems that confront mentees in their professional development. A structured questionnaire and a semi–structured interview were employed for data collection. The population included 152 teacher-Mentees with sample size of 76 selected through multi-stage sampling technique. The data collected from the questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive statistics with the aid of frequencies and percentages. The interview data on the other hand was analyzed through the thematic approach. It was revealed that Mentees who go through the mentorship programme face various challenges in relation to attitudes of mentors, some teachers as well as community related challenges However, unpreparedness of some teachers to work collaboratively with mentees and absenteeism of mentors were the major challenges confronting mentees in their mentoring programme. The study recommended that Authorities of Colleges of Education should put in place a training programme for their mentors on their roles in the training of the mentees. Such training will equip mentors on their roles in the training of the mentees as well as reduce conflict between mentors and mentees.
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