This article discusses the insights of Quran on the concept students. As a Muslim holy book, Quran has been guide and answers to all human life issues. The aim of the paper is to find out to what extent the Quran speaks of students. This also explores if there is a specific story or word both in explicit and implicit form on explaining the role and definition of students. The method used in this paper is descriptive analytic in which it analyzes the content of the Quran particularly on the theme of students. It was found that there were many words related to the meaningful notion of students which indicates that the Quran speaks a lot to humans who are substantially related to the efforts of education in all aspects. The content of the Koran itself also shows the stories of the previous Ummah, both about the prophet and the believers. In the context of education, this paper attempts to talk about students’ characteristics and other stakeholders in the realm of education.
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