Divorce which is defined as the dissolution of marriage by judgment of a court or by accepted customs or in other words a judicial decree declaring a marriage to be dissolved has been with mankind for a very long time. In assessing why, a student may be having difficulty, a teacher or a psychologist would, of course, examine the child's academic setting and intellectual potential. However, it is also essential to take the students family situation into account since family problems can have an impact on classroom performance. Divorce is one of several types of family problems. Marital conflicts may involve ongoing strife between parents or may extend to separation or divorce. The disruption coursed by such fighting and family dissolution may affect a student school performance for several reasons. The main reason why people get married is to satisfy one’s personal and psychological needs as those found in romantic love. In Walewale town and its environs, the inability to fulfill these needs results in the dissolution of marriage. In general, infidelity was discovered to be the main cause of divorce in the community under study. However, its negative effects on children of such parents have eaten so deep into the fabric of our societies and there is the need for individuals, government and non-governmental organizations to put measures in place in order to stagnate its perpetuation.
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