Academic dishonesty becoming a threat to the academic world across the globe. Most studies focus on students of higher learning, but very less research focusing on Muslim students generally. Therefore, this study will examine the empirical and critical phenomena of academic dishonesty in the context of Muslim students in Malaysia. This research proposed a framework based on modified Theory of Planned Behavior by including Spiritual Intelligence as an additional predictor. The study employs quantitative method bases on survey strategy through questionnaires. The study is also based on primary data collected from 300 Muslim students in a selected public University in Malaysia. The study extended the previous study conducted the same discussion using convenience sampling. The Spiritual intelligence represented additional independent variables instead attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior while behavior intention represented the dependent variable. In this study, the relationship had been analyzed using Smart-PLS 2.0 Beta. Two measured variables (attitude and spiritual intelligence) found a positive relationship between intentions to cheat among Malaysian Muslim students. However implication for stakeholder, educators and higher education’s policy maker are discussed, and suggestions for further research are proposed.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2433
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