The aim of this study is to determine teachers’ self-efficacy perceptions and professional commitment levels; to examine the relationship between their self-efficacy perceptions and professional commitment levels and to determine whether their self-efficacy perceptions and professional commitment levels change according to various variables. This study was conducted with 349 teachers working at the districts of Van province. As data collection tools, "Teachers’ Self-efficacy Scale" consisting of 32 items and developed by Senemoğlu (2006), and "Teachers’ Professional Commitment Scale" consisting of 20 items and developed by Kozikoğlu (2016) were used in this study. In data analysis; descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used. As a result of the study, teachers’ self-efficacy perceptions and professional commitment levels were found as high. It was found that teachers’ self-efficacy perceptions and professional commitment don’t change significantly according to gender and branch. Furthermore; a positive, moderate level and significant relationship was found between teachers’ self-efficacy perceptions and professional commitment. This shows that as teachers’ self-efficacy perceptions increase, so does their commitment.
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