This paper explores different dimensions that interplay in the process of teacher identity development in the context of Cameroon. Since the concept of identity is multifaceted and its formation process is continuously changing, this work attempts to examine it from many dimensions. Firstly, from general perspective, secondly with emphasis on specific perspectives embodying personal, self, educational and professional identities that constitute, shape and influence the formation of teacher identity and thirdly, constraints that impede its development including their overall implication for schooling, learning and the entire education system. In order to explore, understand and appreciate this discourse on teacher identity formation which underlie the foundation and driving force in a national education system, this paper attempts to raise some questions. What is teacher identity and how is it formed? What is teacher identity in Cameroon context? What are the constraints in its formation process? How do the constraints impact on schooling/learning and the education system? Answers to these questions and some suggestions help to illuminate the phenomenon and its utility in both national and international perspectives.
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