The study investigated the relationship among Cognitive Styles, Parental Involvement and Learning Outcomes of pupils in Social Studies in Ondo State. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The population for the study comprised primary III pupils and their parents in Ondo State. The sample size consisted of 240 primary III school pupils and 240 parents selected using multistage sampling procedure. One senatorial district was selected from the state using simple random sampling technique. Two Local Government Areas (LGAs) were selected from the sampled senatorial district in Ondo State using simple random sampling technique. From each of the two selected primary schools, 30 pupils and 30 parents each from two intact classes were randomly selected for the study. Three instruments were used for data collection, they are: Cognitive Styles Questionnaire (CSQ), Pupils’ End of Term Examination Score in Social Studies (PETES) and Parental Interview Schedule (PIS). The data collected were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages and multiple regression analysis statistics. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between cognitive styles and learning outcomes (cognitive styles yielded a coefficient regression (R) of .152 and a correlation square (R2) of .023). There was also no significant relationship between parental involvement and learning outcomes (parental involvement yielded a coefficient regression (R) of .118 and a correlation square (R2) of .014). These values were statistically significant at 0.05 probability level. In addition, there was no significant relative contribution of cognitive styles and parental involvement to learning outcomes of pupils in lower primary schools. The result indicated that field independent and field dependent cognitive styles t-values = -1.696 and -1.581 respectively while their respective beta weight values = -.108 and -.101. Also, parental involvement t-value = 1.791 and beta weight = .114. The study concluded that parental involvement was a very good predictor of pupils’ learning outcomes in Social Studies in lower primary school in Ondo State.
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