This present study was conducted on “A study on Level of Educational Aspiration among 2nd year students of B.Ed. colleges in Mysore city”, INDIA. The researcher work smoothly and confine the study to specific frame work, the objectives of the study were; to study the level of educational aspirations among 2nd year students of B.Ed. colleges in Mysore city, to study The significance difference among the following categories with reference to Educational Aspiration: a) Gender (male and female), b) Locality (Urban and Rural), c) Socio-economic Status (high/low socio economic status); d) Types of schools (Government, Private Aided and Private Unaided). Main variables of the study were Educational Aspiration and background variables were Gender, Locality, Socio-economic status and Types of schools. The study was conducted by using Descriptive Survey research methodology to find the degree to which the interaction affect exists among the selected variables. Population of the study was 2nd year students of B.Ed. colleges belonging to Government, Private aided and private unaided colleges in Mysore city, Mysore District, Karnataka State. The sample for the study was selected using the proportionate stratified random sampling techniques. The proportion of the sample was selected according to Daryle W. Morgan’s table. In Mysore city there are 37 B.Ed. colleges. According to Morgan’s table 10 colleges were selected out of 37 through lottery system. To collect the required data from the sample of 242 students of B.Ed. colleges the researcher used standard tool “Level of Education Aspiration Test” by Dr. Yasmin Ghani Khan. The research findings were; there is significant difference between male and female of 2nd year students of B.Ed. colleges’ in Mysore city with respect to their Levels of Educational Aspiration, no significant difference seen between urban and rural with respect to their Levels of Educational Aspiration among 2nd year students of B.Ed. colleges in Mysore city, there is significant difference between high and low socio economic status of 2nd year students of B.Ed. colleges in Mysore city with respect to their Levels of Educational Aspiration and no significant difference between Government, private aided and private unaided B.Ed. colleges in Mysore city with respect to their Levels of Educational Aspiration. The study recommends the needs to investigate separately the educational aspiration, vocational aspiration and economic aspiration etc. of B.Ed. colleges’ students and factors determining them in order to have a better understanding of the children and help them to guide in the right direction without losing the most precious resource. Further research may be planned and conducted on the same.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2541
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