Teachers’ job satisfaction and creativity in the teaching process are very important to the continuous growth of educational systems around the world. Satisfaction and creation at work are very essential in teachers’ life because they form the fundamental reasons to vitalize the teaching and learning atmosphere. This study was carried out to probe into a kind of precise research to investigate the effect of job satisfaction on teachers’ creativity in using side equipment among EFL teachers in English institutes. To this end, 50 teachers who were teaching EFL at Adib, Alborz and Rouyesh No English Institutes in Rasht were selected. The participants of the study were selected based on their job experiences and their availabilities. Their English teaching experience varied from 5 to 20 years. The ages of the teachers ranged between 20 and 50 years. The participants were asked to fill out a researcher-developed questionnaire. It was a questionnaire which included 20 items and there were two parts. The first part of the questionnaire asked about job satisfaction among the teachers, and the second part asked about their creative use of side equipment in class. The findings suggested that teachers hold different views regarding job satisfaction and teachers with high level of job satisfaction are more creative in using side equipment. The findings also suggested that job satisfaction increases creativity in using equipment in EFL classes. Furthermore, if the teachers are satisfied with their job, they will develop and maintain a high level of performance and learning process will be more efficient and effective.
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