This paper examined the implementation of the performance management system (PMS) in state secondary schools. It investigated about the motives for the implementation in schools and its effectiveness. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample size of 100 educators from 5 state secondary schools. Individual interviews were also carried out with 5 school principals to gather information about the implementation of PMS in state secondary schools. The mixed method approach highlighted the motives for the introduction of PMS in schools and the perceptions of the participants of the effectiveness of its implementation. This study reveals that educators do not have a positive view about PMS to improving their performance in teaching. However, principals have rather positive attitudes to the implementation of PMS. The findings have proved to be mixed. For example, though educators approved the implementation of this tool, yet they are stressed and they are frustrated. It hampers collaborative work and the sharing of good practice among educators. This affects the school effectiveness. It is recommended that there is an urgent need to review the process to ensure that the principles of PMS are taken into consideration for it to be successfully implemented in schools in Mauritius.
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