In this study, it is aimed to determine the opinions of Turkish teacher candidates on the concept of "language". The study group of the study; in the academic year of 2018-2019, a total of 190 teacher candidates studying at Fırat University Turkish Language Teaching Department are formed. In the study designed with qualitative research design, open-ended question form was used as data collection tool. The Turkish teacher candidates were asked to complete the expression using the metaphors "It looks like / language ... because ..." The obtained data were analyzed by the content analysis method and 167 valid metaphors were obtained for the concept of "language". Metaphores were collected under eight conceptual category and analyzed. As a result of the research, it was determined that prospective teachers developed many language metaphors. "Mirror (6.58%)", "bridge (5.38%)", "infant (5.38%)", "water (4.19%)", "sun (4.19%)" "tree (3.59%)" metaphors have been identified.
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