This study determined the correlation between teachers’ perception of principals’ ethical leadership dimensions and their job commitment in state government owned public secondary schools in Anambra State. To this end, the study was guided by 4 research questions. The population consisted of 6,328 teachers in the 257 state government owned public secondary schools in the State. A sample of 672 teachers was drawn using multi-stage sampling procedure. Data were collected using two instruments; Ethical Leadership Scale (ELS) which was adapted from Yilmaz (2006) and Teachers’ Commitment Scale (TCS) adapted from Allen, Meyer and Smith (1993). The instruments were validated by three experts. Internal consistency reliability index of 0.75, 0.68, 0.71 and 0.74 were obtained for the four sections of ELS with an overall reliability index of 0.72 while 0.84 was obtained for TCM using Cronbach’s alpha method. Data analysis was done using Pearson’s correlation analysis for the research questions. P-value was used to determine the significance of the correlation. The findings revealed among others that a substantial positive correlation of 0.69 existed between teachers’ perception of principals’ communicative ethics and their job commitment, a substantial positive correlation of 0.78 existed between teachers’ perception of principals’ climatic ethics and their job commitment, a very high positive correlation of 0.84 existed between teachers’ perception of principals’ ethics in decision making and their job commitment. The study recommended among others that secondary school principals should constantly display ethical behaviours such as being selfless, humble, patient and just in their dealings with teachers in order to stimulate teachers’ sense of belonging to the school.
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