The expansion of secondary education has been accelerated by demand for education by the 100% transition requirement from primary schools. With this expansion there is increased demand for qualified, competent and effective school teachers. The study was to assess the principals’ influence of adequate staffing on students’ academic performance in KCSE examinations in Masaba south sub county, Kisii County in Kenya. The study review empirical studies that have been conducted by different scholars as well as the theoretical framework adopted by the study. The study was guided by scientific management theory. The study adopted quantitative and qualitative research design through a mixed methods approach. The study sampled 8 principals and 80 teachers from the target population of 25 principals and 250 teachers. Two sets of Questionnaires were administered to head teachers and teachers respectively. The results show that majority of the head teachers indicated that teachers were not adequate for all the classes, 37.5% of head teachers used combine classes 50% of head teachers used volunteer teachers while 12.5% of head teachers left classes untaught due to shortage of teachers. The results indicated that not all students were taught by trained teachers hence contributing to poor performance. The study found that most teachers attended fewer courses and seminars for their professional development. Therefore, the study concluded that; lack of adequate staff, low in-service training through courses and seminars and low professional development levels affected students’ performance in KCSE. The study recommends the Teacher Service Commission to offer adequate staffing to have effective teaching and improved academic performance. The study also recommends MOE to offer adequate courses and seminars for the professional development of teachers to enhance academic performance.
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