The aim of this study is to investigate the metaphors of chemistry students about chemistry science. For this purpose, a single question was asked to measure their perceptions about chemistry. Qualitative method was adopted in the research. Content analysis was applied to the data obtained. The sample of the study consists of students of Chemistry Program of Kocaeli Vocational School. Data were collected in the fall semester of 2018-2019. 68 students participated in the study. The reliability of the study was found to be 96% according to expert opinion. 32 metaphors were obtained. The metaphors obtained were collected in 7 themes: danger, comprehensive, cumulative, happiness, exploratory, innovative, magical. Only one of the metaphors has been negatively evaluated under the others positive theme. It was observed that “life” metaphor was used the most. Female students produced 25 metaphors and male students produced 11 metaphors. Metaphors for two themes were produced by female students. Female students differ from male students in terms of the metaphors they produce.
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