M. Mutmainah, Enos Taruh, Nurhayati Abbas, Masri Kudrat Umar


This quasi-experimental study is devoted to determining the influence of Blended Learning-based Guided Inquiry learning model and Self-Efficacy on students’ scientific literacy. To achieve this goal, this study involved 148 students at Grade X of Senior High School SMA Wirabakti as the population by employing a Treatment by Level 2 x 2 design. The sample, on the other hand, went through the Multi-Stage Random Sampling technique, i.e., sample randomly taken from the population without considering any levels. Further, this study also relied on several data sources, including (1) the data of students’ scientific literacy skill collected from a multiple-choice test with five options; (2) the data of self-efficacy collected from a questionnaire with five items of always (score 5), often (score 4), sometimes (score 3), rarely (score 2), and never (score 1). The collected data were then analyzed using the two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA 2x2). The results reveal that the Blended Learning-based Guided Inquiry learning model and Self-Efficacy do significantly influence students’ scientific literacy, by which this model serves as one of the proper learning models applied in the learning process that can improve scientific literacy.


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guided inquiry, blended learning, self-efficacy, scientific literacy

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