Home learning activities has widely recognized as a strong contributor to the quality of the broader Home Learning Environment (HLE). A large body of research has examined the relationship between the quality of parental involvement in different types of learning activities and the child’s cognitive development. However, existing measures of Home Learning Activities (HLA) are subjects of limitations. The aim of the present study was to examine the factorial validity of the Home Learning Activities Scale (HLAS). The HLAS was developed as a comprehensive self-report measure to assess three dimensions of stimulating activities that parents engage in with their children: indoor, outdoor and digital HLA. One hundred seventy-five parents from Northern Greece completed the HLAS. Exploratory factor analysis was recruited and revealed three factors. Descriptive statistics were analyzed in order to investigate the profile and the characteristic of HLA in Greece. Consistent with previous research the current study confirmed the factorial validity of the two basic dimensions of HLA: indoor and outdoor HLA. It was also introduced and validated a third dimension, the digital HLA. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient showed high internal consistency for digital and indoor HLA and adequate internal consistency for outdoor HLA. HLAS is a useful questionnaire for measuring the parental engagement in HLA. Limitations and implications for policy and practice are discussed.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2660
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