Communication skill becomes one of the parameters in determining the success of students learning improvement. The learning process has to be meaningful for the students in order to apply the results and experiences in the real situation. The Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) is comprehensive learning which connects the learning material to real life. It aims to make the students able to implement it in real life (in family, school, neighborhood, people, workforces, and citizen context). The learning process is supported by learning devices. This research aims to describe the students’ communication skill on the topic of environmental pollution through CTI learning model. This research is a research and devices development with steps that modify the 4-D model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). The research occurred on January – October 2018 at MTs Muslimat Nahdlatul Ulama Palangka Raya. The communication skill data was obtained on the field test which was done by calculating the average results of communication skill indicators when the students were doing the student worksheet in groups. The data analysis was done through descriptive quantitative. The results showed that: the communication skills consist of (1) the ability to work in groups, (2) the ability to communicate verbally (delivering ideas/notions/comments), (3) the ability to ask questions, (4) the ability to answer the questions (giving explanations) and (5) the ability to value ideas, suggestions, and friends’ opinions are reaching very good category.
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