In this study, it was aimed to determine the tendency of delinquency of the students who are studying in sports and general high school and to determine whether the tendency of delinquency of the participants according to their demographic characteristics shows a significant change. In the study, which was carried out in the screening research model, "Delinquency Scale" developed by Apaydın (2010) was used as data collection tool on 1485 students studying in 2015-2016 academic year. Descriptive statistics, t test in unrelated measures, one-way variance analysis was calculated according to the answers of students. As a result of the research, it was determined that the tendency of delinquency of the students in the physical education lesson was above the average. In addition, it was identified that the tendency of delinquency of female students compared to male students; students studying in general high school compared to sports high school was higher. Non-participation to sports activities in general high school and non-participation in primary school level were found to have a higher tendency to delinquency than those who participated in the activities.
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