This study examined the impact of decision-making self-efficacy, self-concept and parental support on career maturity. Participants included in this study were 552 senior secondary students [234 form threes and 258 form fours; 373 males and 173 females] from Wajir County in northern Kenya. Participants responded to four standardised inventories: Career Maturity Inventory (Crites, 1973), Career-Related Support Scale (Turner et al., 2003), Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale (Taylor and Benz, 1983) and Piers Harris Children`s Self-Concept scale (Piers, 1984). In addition, they responded to a demographic section that provided information about gender, age, grade, stream of study, and socio-economic status. The result indicated a significant relationship between career maturity, career decision-making self-efficacy parental support and self-concept. Career decision-making was highest predictor followed by self-concept. Implications and recommendations for career counsellors are discussed.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2703
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