Existing studies indicate that increasing effectiveness in teaching and learning positively influence performance. However, challenges may diminish effectiveness in teaching and learning leading to poor performance. The study focused on challenges in relation to learners’ attitude towards Kiswahili and the strategies for coping with the challenges in teaching of Kiswahili in public secondary schools in Hamisi Sub-county, Vihiga County, Kenya. Study population was 4,106 form four students, 139 Kiswahili teachers, 47 principals and 1 Quality Assurance and Standards Officer. Krejcie and Morgan’s (1970) formula was used to select a sample of 351 form four students and purposive sampling was used to select 42 form four teachers of Kiswahili. Saturated sampling technique was used to select 42 principals and 1 QASO. In this study, questionnaires and interview schedule were used in data collection. Quantitative data was analysed by descriptive statistics involving frequencies, means and percentages and presented on tables. Qualitative data was categorized into themes and reported in verbatim excerpts. Learners had positive attitude towards objectives and content at mean ratings of 3.02 and 2.94 respectively. However, learners had challenges in teaching methods and evaluation techniques. They had negative attitude towards teaching methods and evaluation techniques at mean ratings of 2.44 and 2.34 respectively. The main strategy for coping with these challenges was speaking Kiswahili on specific days highly applied at 3.22. Motivational speeches and rewards as well as encouraging wide reading were lowly applied at 2.45 and 2.43 respectively. Other strategies that emerged from the study were use of Kiswahili clubs, discouraging learners from listening to adulterated Kiswahili and making Kiswahili lessons interesting. In conclusions, though the overall learners’ attitude towards objectives and content is positive, they have negative attitude towards teaching methods and evaluation techniques. Schools have various strategies for coping with the challenges applied at different extents. The study recommends that schools endeavor to inculcate positive attitude among learners towards teaching methods and evaluation procedures by making them learner centered and properly guiding them in these activities. Teachers need to expose learners to a variety of teaching methods and evaluation techniques and provide timely feedback. This will make learners more enthusiastic and confident and in turn improve performance. The study findings may benefit teachers, scholars, curriculum developers, policy makers and other interested parties in understanding the challenges in relation to learners’ attitude, adopting and strengthening the strategies as well as seeking solutions to the challenges in order to improve the teaching and learning process.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2711
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