Good nutrition is critical in the realization of the potentials in children and in maximizing the benefits derived from educational investment. This article presents the findings from the investigation on the challenges experienced in the feeding programme in pre-primary schools in difficult circumstances in Kenya. The study determined the challenges in the feeding programme in pre-primary schools in Isiolo County, Kenya and also explored the possible strategies that could be put in place to mitigate the challenges. The dependent variable was the feeding programme while the independent variables were the challenges. The target population was all the 200 public pre-primary schools in Isiolo County. Purposive sampling was used to select the schools, headteachers, teachers and parents. Data was collected using questionnaires and observation schedule. Descriptive survey design was deemed appropriate for the study. Qualitative data obtained was transcribed, analyzed thematically and presented descriptively with verbatim quotes. The study established that the feeding programmes were dependent on the government and donor funding. The level of parental participation was low and the food provided was not balanced. More importantly that the major challenges were; shortage of water, food insecurity, inaccessibility, insecurity and harsh climatic conditions It was recommended that the government and all the stakeholders should develop possible measures to deal with finances and cost options.
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