The study examined the perceptions, expectations and challenges among foreign students studying in higher learning institutions in Romania. The study employed an open-ended questionnaire and interview to collect students’ opinions. A total of 85 participants in which male (76.5%) and female (23.5%) from the University of Bucharest, University of Politehnica, University of Oil-Gas Ploiesti, Academic Studies of Economic Bucharest (ASE), University of Babes Bolyai, and Carol Davila university of Medicine were involved in the current study. The foreign students involved in this study were from Asia, Africa, Southern America, and Europe. The responses of foreign students were divided into two parts. The first part were the perceptions and expectations and the second part were the challenges faced which includes, among others; education style, financial difficulties, language barriers, homesickness, supervision problems and cultural/social adjustment.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.273
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