The developments that have taken place on a daily basis from the past have caused great changes in our perspective on art and artists. Along with the developing technology, great changes in art have come to the fore and contributed to the development of modern art movements. We see this development in visual arts as it is in every field. In today's world where communication has developed rapidly, there are many benefits that art has provided to us. Art is emerging as a powerful means of communication with these aspects. Art emerges as an important element in the journey of understanding, expressing oneself about social environment and inner world. This element of art gives a critical point of view against everything that happens in our circle. We can develop this point of view with art criticism. In this study, the participants were asked to produce their views about visual arts lesson. 240 primary school students participated in the study. No time limit was given. The results show that the participants guided their attention and associations more on design principles, elements, environmental factors, materials and abstract thinking.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2767
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