The present research was conducted with the aim of determining the levels of the fifth grade students’ persuasive writing skills. This research was carried out with 857 fifth grade students who were studying at schools in Eskişehir/Tepebaşı in 2011- 2012. In this research, relational survey model was used. A measuring tool (rubric) of persuasive writing was used for the analysis of the students’ persuasive essays. According to the findings from this study, it can be seen that the levels of the students’ persuasive writing skills are not adequate as it is desired. Additionally, it has been found out that the levels of the students’ persuasive writing skills differ according to the variables that are gender, the socio-economic level of their schools, having bookshelf, having internet, TV programs they watch and reason types they use. The research also shows that among the primary fifth grade students, females, students who have internet, bookshelf at home and watch documentaries and competition programs, students whose schools have higher socio-economic levels and the students who use logical, emotional, ethical reasons have higher level of persuasive writing skills.
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