Play is a dominant activity towards children’s development and learning and its significance as an educational means is widely acknowledged. However, regardless its importance, investigational data show that current Curricula do not rely on emphasizing in play at the degree they should. This study was conducted during the 2018 School Year investigating on views of Kindergarten Educators (N:100) of the Epirus Region and Senior Students at the Department Of Early School Education of the University of Ioannina (N:100) regarding play during the Kindergarten’s educational process according to the Greek Analytical pre-school education Curriculum. The importance of play within the Curriculum was clearly demonstrated. Educators, however, trivialize School-Family collaboration concerning play while Students deem it as substantial, comprehend the benefits free-style team play poses on learning, being thus amenable on implementing it within the school Curriculum. Students and Educators consider teachers and pupils should co-determine on scholastic play activities. Finally, the study accentuates the training of Greek Educators, to aim at better utilization of play during the educational process.
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