The aim of this study was to investigate the PBEC (Post Basic Education Curriculum) the views of key participants (pupils and students) about the PBEC effectiveness and the extent to which the PBEC aims, skills and content prepare young people for the world of work or higher education. In addition, we consider the question, what are the important aims, skills and content for these participants’ future? And how can these be made effective to prepare students for their future? This study used specially designed questionnaires to collect data. The total sample was 550 pupils and students. The results showed that the participants tended to strongly support the PBEC aims, skills and subjects in principle. However, they seemed less satisfied with them in practice. Further, Participants were quite sceptical about the importance and need for some PBEC subjects; specifically, music and research methodology in preparing them for the world of work and HE. This research evaluates how the PBEC is viewed by pupils and provides the Ministry of Education with information about the PBEC efficacy in achieving its aims. This will give policymakers feedback to develop the PBEC to be more effective. A number of recommendations: the need to review and develop the content of PBEC to meet pupils’ expectations and be more flexible so teachers can use it to deliver pupils the required skills. Also, reviewing the documents of PBEC and putting in place clearer and more realistic aims of learning compatible with its anticipated expectations. Finally, there is a need to make an improvement of a teachers training program for pre-service and in-service to developing teachers’ skills on how to improve, the pupils’ way of thinking, their way of working, their tools for working and how they can apply these in the world.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.284
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