Sakulprahm Jariyaporn, Pattamasiri Teeranurak Jaruchainiwat, Charinee Triwaranyu


To develop learning management process based on the Contemplative Education Approach (CEA) and the Optimum Experience Approach (OEA) to enhance the ability relationships between teachers and students were built up, students’ responses of their effects to their learning management process based on the CEA and OEA towards teacher and Early childhoods were respected, such as, being lovely, affectively children, and creating conduction to their classroom learning environments. To administer which as 165 early childhood students in 11 classes and 11 teachers from the Early Childhood School at Bang Sai Royal Folk Arts and Crafts Center under the Royal Patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn were participated with the qualitative data, collectively. Research procedures were designed in 2 steps; first, teachers plans to manage the instructional design for including early childhoods who ought to practice their experiences and self-learning processes on self-awareness with practicing mindfulness through their self-observing activities, to improve the meditational activities and real life with themselves were observed by teachers, second, early childhoods respective learning of their opportunity on modern experience, self-literacy, self-mindfulness observation, observing a case study on their activities, and self-practicing daily life.  Most of teachers were able to invent and change the increasing relationships between teachers and early childhoods’ abilities evidence from 1 to 2 scales. Relationships between teachers and students were invented the instructional processes with the role models’ teaching management to support and create children’ learning activities, children’ learning outcomes of their understanding, self-awareness, learning abilities, and were responded by teachers’ interaction behaviours with the CEA and OEA instructional methods to their classroom environments. Based on the findings, suggestions for enhancing teachers’ and children’ abilities of their associations between the CEA and OEA classroom environments are needs. The developing learning management processes are explored, respected, accepted, and loved ties for children, relatively.


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development, learning management processes, contemplative education approach, optimum experience approach, enhancing abilities, teacher-early childhood interactional relationships


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