Now days, ICT based language laboratories are being used in schools to teach children to communicate effectively. The language lab is a technological breakthrough for learning English and is a need of the hour to enhance English language skills in students. The present study attempts to study the learning environments in a tablet based English language lab and assess its effectiveness for use with 8thand 9th class students. A widely used questionnaire i.e. Technology-Rich Outcomes-Focused Learning Environment Inventory (TROFLEI) was used to study the learning environments in a tablet based English language lab and also to assess students’ attitude towards English. The study is quantitative in nature and the sample consisted of 138 students taken from one private school of Jammu (India) where this facility was available. Apart from the study of learning environments the other objectives of the study were to compare the actual and preferred learning environments, to investigate associations between the attitudes towards English and learning environments in a tablet based language laboratory, to investigate whether gender differences exist in a tablet based English language lab and to assess the effectiveness of the tablet based English language lab for use with 8thand 9th class students. The results also show that students usually want more teaching to be done using the tablet based English language lab and it helped in the creating positive psychosocial learning environments. Results also show that there is no significant gender difference between the male and female students, which, means that both male and female students perceived their tablet based English language lab learning environment in a similar manner. Furthermore, the result of the effectiveness of the tablet based English language lab shows that 70 to 95% of the students in the group look forward to learning English in a tablet based English language lab rather than through conventional methods. They also perceived their tablet based English language lab to be more interesting, livelier, relaxed, and enjoyable.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.292
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