This study was carried out in order to test the effectiveness of the microteaching method on student success and its permanence effect in this success compared to that of the traditional method in the development of the pronunciation skill in a foreign language. This effect was tested on the access levels related to the ‘realization of the pronunciation skill’ potential. Additionally, it was aimed to determine whether the preservation of the pronunciation skill access levels varies depending on the method used in teaching the skill or not. The methods used in teaching are the teaching and traditional teaching methods carried out with videos and tapes, which are two forms of microteaching. Moreover, the effect of these different methods on the permanence of the skill was investigated. The study was designed and carried out according to the ‘Solomon four group model’. 40 students in the I-K class taking the ‘English I Program’ in Eskişehir Süleyman Çakır High School in the first semester of 1993-1994 academic year participated in the study. Using the random method in the formation of groups, four groups were determined with 10 students in each, and two of which were experimental and two were control groups. Since this study aims to determine the effectiveness of a teaching method (independent variable), experiment and control groups were tried to be equalized in terms of variables other than the method. At the end of the equalization process, 40 students were equalized and distributed to the groups. In order to collect the data, a ‘Pronunciation Skill Test’ and a related "evaluation form" were prepared. The test material was a part of the English I Program that students participating in the research were taking. The test of pronunciation skill was carried out with a form that measures the correct pronunciation of 15 words with values between 1 and 5. This form was applied as a pretest-posttest in the study. This form was applied as a pretest to one of each two groups, experiment and control groups. As a result of the pretest, it was shown statistically that the groups did not differ from each other and the teaching was carried out by the microteaching method for the two experimental groups and by the traditional method for the two control groups. Two different forms of the microteaching method (Video-Tape) were applied to two experimental groups. These practices were carried only on the pronunciation skill and took place within a week. After the teaching of the skill was completed within the context of the content, all groups were post tested. One month after obtaining the pretest and posttest results for the experimental and control groups, the permanence of the skill was investigated. By analyzing whether the methods differ in terms of permanence, the data were started to be analyzed. In the analysis of the data, comparisons between the groups were made by calculating the standard deviations of the mean scores and score distributions of the groups. In these comparisons, t test was used and it was interpreted at 0,001 and 0,05 significance level. The effectiveness of the experimental processes was interpreted by taking the score differences between intra-groups and inter-groups and the significance of these differences into consideration.
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