The study investigated teachers’ classroom management practices with the aim of determining their effectiveness for curriculum delivery. A total of one hundred (100) primary school teachers from ten (10) randomly selected primary schools from Kaduna metropolis were used for the study. A questionnaire tagged “Analysis of Primary School Teachers’ Classroom Management Practices” (APSTCMP) was used to collect data from respondents. The result of the findings revealed that pupils in classrooms with highly structured classroom management practices demonstrated more appropriate behaviour and positive learning outcome than students in classrooms haphazardly managed by teachers. It was therefore concluded that classroom management practices provide the structure to support teacher behaviour thus increasing the success of classroom instruction. Teacher proficiency in classroom management is therefore, necessary to ignite successful environments that will encourage appropriate student behaviour and positive learning outcome. It was therefore recommended among others, that the curriculum for teacher training colleges should include an in-depth programme or course in classroom management skills in order to provide teachers with content knowledge and opportunities to develop proficiency in classroom management.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Hanna Onyi Yusuf, Ayuba Guga, Mairiga Ribah Bawa

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