The focus of this paper is on assessment for learning – formative assessment and assessment of learning – summative assessment. The study was conducted by the use of a descriptive survey research design, specifically the cross-sectional quantitative approach. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire designed for student-teachers in training and an evaluation form for student-teachers on teaching practice for Teachers Grade One certificate examination (CAPIEM). The overall percentages of the 6 items on Formative assessment indicated that a large majority of participants’ opinions (92.3%) were for the fact that formative assessment has an influence on student-teachers’ learning outcomes. Also, a large majority (93%) of the respondents agree that formative assessment monitors their progress and enables them demonstrate and apply the skills and knowledge acquired, while 7% were contrary to the idea. Equally, participants largely agreed that summative assessment play a major role on attaining student-teachers’ learning outcomes. Analysis of the 6 items revealed an overall percentage of 91.7% of respondent were largely of the opinion that summative assessment has an influence on student-teachers’ learning outcomes. For example, 91% of the students agreed that the ability of the teacher to test them at the end of the unit, course or programme provided them with the opportunities to demonstrate the skills, knowledge and attitudes that provided evidence that learning has occurred. The findings generally revealed that assessment for learning enhanced the learning outcomes of student-teachers. Student-teachers were able to demonstrate what they had learned in class during teaching practice sessions. Whereas assessment of learning describes the extent to which students have achieved the learning goals, including standards demonstration of what the student knows and can do.
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