Early literacy is an integral part in children’s learning. It is crucial in a child’s education cycle since it is the basic foundation on which all further learning is built. Many researchers have argued that since parents are the first teachers that a child encounter, it is important to find out how they can be involved in their children’s acquisition of pre-literacy skills. The two major ways of parental involvement that have been put forward are provision of resources that promote acquisition of pre-literacy skills and involving children in literary rich engagements. Unfortunately, studies on how teenage mothers can be actively involved in promoting their children’s acquisition of pre-literacy skills are scanty. Since teenage mothers are young and most of them depend on their parents for financial support and nurturance, it is important to find out how effective they can get involved in promoting their children’s acquisition of pre-literacy skills. Therefore, this article, highlights findings from a study that sought to establish whether teenage mothers are involved adequately in their children’s acquisition of pre-literacy skills. The study was based on Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological systems theory and employed descriptive survey design. It was carried out in Kilifi County, Kenya and involved a sample of 115 teenage mothers. A questionnaire and interview schedule were utilized to collect data from teenage mothers. Data was analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Findings indicated that teenage mothers are not adequately involved in promoting their children’s acquisition of pre-literacy skills. The authors recommend that the government increases resources allocated to pre-primary schools and pre-primary school teachers should sensitize parents on their role in getting involved in their children’s education to promote pre-literacy skills.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.3029
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